Cookie's Fortune

The Legend:
1.0 It's a shame that I never saw this movie advertised. I would have actually paid $8.50 to see it.
9.5 Some absolutely phenomenal performances. Yeah you recognize their faces, but it's real easy to forget that this movie is loaded with big names. Instead you can't help but recognize their talent.
Production Design:
8.0 Great production values deliver a small town in the South, without going overboard, and without slapping you in the face with it.
5.0 Some interesting music choices. I'm not going to say run out and buy the soundtrack, but none of it detracts from the movie.
Overall Rating:
8.25 A fun solid movie with a lot of great characters.

It's hard to believe a movie directed by the man that brought us MASH and The Player also brought us the dismal likes of The Gingerbread Man. Apparently with Cookie's Fortune Robert Altman is making penance. I also can't understand how little marketing was done for this film. Have you ever heard of it? Me neither.

Anyway, let's just say I was pleasantly surprised.

There is a list of people in this movie a mile long, including: Patricia Neal, Julianne Moore, Glenn Close, Liv Tyler, Chris O'Donnell, Charles Dutton, Lyle Lovett and Ned Beatty. And every single one of them really proves themselves in this charming little film. And dare I say that this is one of the funniest situation comedies of the past decade. I laughed my ass off. (Just had it surgically grafted back on)

A little southern town with that ever present rich matron is where the film starts off. The first 25 minutes are slow going, but it's all relevant character development so pay attention. And after Cookie commits suicide, and her religious zealot control freak niece (played exquisitely by Glenn Close) finds her body, she proceeds to try to make it look like a burglary murder. And here's where the fun begins.

The humor is visual and subtle, but layer after layer is there. And the more you pay attention, the funnier every frame of the movie is.

The Bottom Line
This is high up on my "Tell a Friend" list. But make sure it's not the guy who thinks Dumb and Dumber is the funniest movie ever made. If you enjoy an adult comedy that doesn't rely on cheap site gags and comedian sharp punchline, this is a wonderful rent.

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