The Gingerbread Man

The Legend:
0.0 Never even heard of it before.
8.5 There are some real out-of-the-box performances here. Daryl Hanna doesn't play a blond bimbo, Kenneth Brannaugh doesn't play Hamlet, and Morton Downey doesn't play a sober man.
Production Design:
7.0 Nothing real exciting here. All sets present day, ranging from a law office, to a park, to a funky-dirty roadside hotel...
2.0 Loaded full of suspense movie "Dun-Dah's" and that's about it...
Overall Rating:
6.8 Just rent it. Really, it's not that bad

Brass Tacks:
I give this movie big points in the early stretch. It does everything it can to avoid being formulaic. The basic premise, a successful recently divorced lawyer goes slumming, and latches on to this sexy white trash catering hussy. After a night of freaky-circus sex he finds out that her weirded out father is terrorizing her, so he proceeds to get him commited. His weirded out friends bust him out of the State hospital, and he embarks on a terrorizing spree.

Now if you've been reading these reviews long enough, you know I won't spoil the ending.

Lets sum it up like this. The first hour, I was really into this movie. They did everything but kick and scream to avoid the run-of-the-mill legal drama pit falls. It's the last 45 minutes that this movie starts to fall apart.

The Bright Spots:
Daryl Hanna plays the savvy and professional Southern Belle legal assistant, and suprisingly she does it real well. As a blond she never did anything for me, but as a bruenette can I just say, DAMN!

Kenneth Brannaugh has a total departure here, playing the seedy Southern gentleman defense attorney, (talk about an oxymoron) and doing it with style. Let's say I was a lot more than surprised.

Tom Berringer has a cameo (Come on Guys, three scenes does not a co-star make)
and Robert Duvall plays creepy old guys as well as anybody can.

Bottom line:
This is lazy weekend low brain power fare. Nothing incredibly cerebral or involving. As I said before, the first hour is full of interesting twists and turns, but the ending seemed rushed. A lot of plot goes to waste. Had they stretched it out another 15 or 20 minutes and finished it the way it started, it could have been Great.

Oh, and don't spend too much time trying to figure out the title. They eluded to it for about one minute, and beyond that I don't know what the hell it has to do with the movie.

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