
The Legend:
4.0 The trailer for this movie made it seem an easy candidate for "It will either rock or suck" kinda movie. It's too bad. They had plenty to work with, without giving the whole movie away.
9.5 One of the best cast movies I've seen of this particular genre. And kudos for picking a no name (Hugh Jackman) to play Wolverine.
Production Design:
9.0 Absolutely stunning interpretation of the comic books look and feel. Adapting the best visual components and making them look practical. Now that's an achievement!
7.0 I really enjoyed most of the soundtrack. The only piece I found to be bad unfortunately is the X-Men's theme music.
Overall Rating:
9.25 I can't get enough of this. Quickly becoming my favorite comic book movie of all time.

I absolutely had no intention of seeing this movie in the theater. I've been kicked in the groin one too many times by over-hyped badly produced comic book movies. (The therapy sessions after Batman and Robin are almost over). After Joel Shumaker's single handed destruction of the Batman film series, I never thought I'd want to see a comic book made into a movie again.

It's now official. The bad karma of shitty comic book rip-off movies is over. Not since Tim Burton's Batman have I seen a movie that entertained me this much.

What can I tell you. I loved this movie. I've watched it about a dozen times already.

The super high points of this movie are:
Every performance in this movie is believable. No over the top cheap theatrics. (Thank God)
The powers of each mutant are subtle and not over used.
The chemistry between Wolverine and Rogue are almost electric. You can really buy into them as characters.
The characters you remember from the comic book are faithfully portrayed.

If you haven't seen this movie, move to a civilized nation, and rent it.

The Bottom Line
It's already part of my DVD collection. Nuff said.

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