
The Legend:
0.0 U-what?
7.5 It's not that the acting in the movie is bad, it's just a shit script...
Production Design:
4.0 This is the kind of look I'd expect an independent film maker to have.
2.0 One of the most nerve grating scores I've ever heard
Overall Rating:
3.5 Why Oliver, why...?

Yet another bomb from director Oliver Stone. Let's be straight here, I don't care for most of his movies and I didn't care for this one either... You can bet your bottom dollar, if Oliver Stone directed it, there is huge suck potential

Lets go ahead and light up the scoreboard...
The premise of the film isn't a bad one. Sean Penn who's a low-life scumbag, is returning to L.A. to pay back a loan shark that he owes money to. On his way there, his car breaks down and he becomes entangled with Jennifer Lopez, and her screwed up husband Nick Nolte. In the hands of a director this could have been a decent film. In Oliver Stone's hands it's just a mess.

This is one of those movies that starts getting on your nerves about two minutes in, and gets worse from there.

The worst part of it is, there is not a single character in the movie that's even remotely likable.

And I think the guiltiest party here is Billy Bob Thorton. If you don't want to take a crowbar to his skull by the end of the movie, you obviously weren't paying attention.

If this is Oliver's attempt to be Quentin Tarantino, he failed miserably.

On the up side, they all die in the end...

The Bottom Line
In a word, Don't!

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