
The Legend:
1.0 Didn't even know the movie existed until I saw it at the video store
4.5 Every body is guilty of horrid over acting.
Production Design:
5.0 Some great visuals, and obviously high production values, that are so poorly used that they lose all impact.
4.0 Following the style of the visuals, some interesting music, mashed together in a context that gave no continuity or style.
Overall Rating:
2.25 i'll let the review speak for itself.

I love Shakespeare. I'm not a purist by any sense of the word. I loved Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet set in 19th century Russian decor. I really enjoyed Ian McKellan's 1940's fascist Europe Richard III. But Julie Taymor should have the shit slapped out of her for perpetrating this heinous crime.

Lets go ahead and light up the scoreboard.

The time period shifts throughout the movie, so what begins as an accurate time piece, shifts into the 1940's swing look, then into the 1980's punk scene, then the distant future (ala Judge Dredd), and back and all over again. I assume her attempt here was to show off the timelessness of Shakespeare. It failed miserably. Instead Julie Taymor wastes her time disrupting the film, because of the radical changes visually, destroying any chance of continuity. Add to that the juvenile use of video montages with bizarro abstract visuals that seem to follow any big seen like a two story exclamation point.

It seems as though the entire cast, including Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange parody the acting profession. Actors delivering their lines as pretentiously and overzealously as possible. No nuance, or subtlety or professionalism. It's just pathetic. The entire movie is packed full of scenes that remind you of a high-school play.

There are two bright spots in this dismal effort.

One is the delivery of the infant to the Moor. Harry J. Lennix delivers this scene with a subtle deftness that is overwhelming. I loved this scene.

Two is the discovery of Lavinia after her hands and tongue have been cut out. Truly a haunting visual.

Unfortunately those two single moments aren't anywhere near enough to apologize for the rest of this film.

Some people might kid themselves into thinking this is Shakespeare, and therefore a good film. The verbiage is right, and Anthony Hopkins is in it, so it must be good, right? NO! Despite the fact that this is Shakespeare, Good old Julie Taymor, and the whole cast managed to screw this one up. I hold them all responsible.

The Bottom Line
This movie isn't just bad it's fucking annoying! I suffered through 162 minutes of this shit. I have seen the latest plain of Hell, and I can say, Devil thy name is Julie Taymor

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