Thick as Thieves

The Legend:
1.0 Let's just say that you've probably never heard of it either...
9.5 Alec Baldwin and Andre Braugher are just completely on the money, and Rebecca DeMorney actually lands a role where she gets to keep her clothes on.
Production Design:
8.5 Get's the job done...
9.0 The soundtrack isn't something you'll run out and buy, or maybe it is. Eighties ditties with some 50's and 60's martini jazz thrown in the mix.
Overall Rating:
9.5 This is exactly the kind of movie that I started doing this site for...

If there's a more obscure film that deserves attention put out in the last two years, I don't know what it might be. You'd think that with this cast, they would have marketed the hell out of it, but alas, there it sat on the shelf, collecting dust...

Alec Baldwin and Andre Braugher don't do bad movies for the most part, and this movie proves that. As nemesis, they play off each other beautifully. Alec Baldwin plays "the Thief", a professional burglar hired by the mob to pull a food stamp heist so they can actually make a profit from the grocery store they just "acquired". When the mob's partner organization in the crime tries to have "the Thief" eliminated by a couple of dirty cops, things get interesting real fast.

If you think this sounds a little heavy, don't worry. You'll be laughing by the end of the intro scene. And the great thing about it, is that it doesn't stop being funny... The humor is subtle, witty and fresh, avoiding being filled with sit-comesque quips.

Beautifully written and directed, this movie is proof that you don't need a bazillion dollars and big booms to make a good crime movie. Quite to the contrary, this movie is the antithesis of that. And while it has a humorous underworld theme, it manages to avoid being a cheap Tarantino ripoff. Now, that's a feat!

The Bottom Line
Find it, if you can! You won't be disappointed. It's even on DVD...

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