The Straight Story

The Legend:
5.0 I remembered vaguely having seen a review that was positive.
10 The casting in this movie is sheer perfection. I don't understand why there were no oscar nominations...?
Production Design:
9.0 Truly captures the simple midwestern farmlife in astonishing accuracy.
9.5 A truly great score, with only 4 pieces of music. Used incredibly well and thoughfully. Genuinely enhanced the movie experience without overpowering it.
Overall Rating:
9.9 Nearly flawless execution.

Brass Tacks:
Okay, David Lynch is a freak. I admit that openly. But he's not the kind of freak that you find repulsive, he's the kind of freak you find fascinating. And all the while, I watched this movie thinking, "Wow, this is the same guy who directed Dune and Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks." None of that being a bad thing, but this is not the kind of movie I've come to expect from David Lynch.

Now I know that some of you are going to say, "What's so damn interesting about some old man riding his lawnmower across the state of Iowa"? Well first off, it's a true story. Alvin Straight's brother had a stroke, and he has bad vision and can barely walk, and spends weeks driving his lawnmower several hundred miles to see his brother one last time.

Trust me, this is a movie that I started at 12:00 AM and I'm writing this review at 2:44 in the morning. Yes, it's that good!

A rare and beautiful film, David Lynch doesn't just show you the characters and the story, instead he allows you to become intimate with them. If you could ever appreciate the simple desparation of a man, and the incredible things it can drive him to do, if you appreciate sheer honesty in a movie, if you want to sit back and be genuinely entertained Do not miss this film.


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