The Patriot

The Legend:
6.0 A modest marketing campaign that tried to capitalize off of its "dramatic" lead. In effect they were selling the only thing they had.
7.5 Mel does all he can with a dismal script.
Production Design:
8.0 Some really stunning period piece visuals, and some very gory battle scenes.
6 I really like John Williams, but lets just say this isn't his most inspired work.
Overall Rating:
6.25 What begins as a very well paced and well delivered beginning, deteriorates around the mid-point, and falls into the pit of cliche hell. Never to rise again.

What starts off as a serious dramatic story concerning the losses and sacrifices of those involved in the Revolutionary War will quickly suck you in. And it may just be enough to convince some people that this is a good movie. Unfortunately about 30 minutes in, Mel Gibson quits being a reluctant soldier who has joined the Continental Army to defend what's left of his family and ideals, and begins to turn into a poor man's version of Hawkeye from Last of the Mohicans. Then about 50 minutes in we change pace to an even poorer man's version of William Wallace from Braveheart. Right down to the clever "prisoner exchange" trick.

The fact that this was a summer film should clue you in as to the substance level of the movie. What we were promised is a rousing heroic tale of the Revolutionary War, what we get is a cliche filled, completely derived script and performances from all involved. Don't expect to hear anything about this waste of time, come Oscar time.

Watch Glory, Last of the Mohicans and Braveheart, then remove the substance, careful plotting, and character development while imagining everyone in colonial costumes instead of kilts. You've already seen this movie. And you've seen it done much better.

The only thing that moderately saves this film is the battle scenes. Their dead-on accurate portrayal of exactly how wars were fought during the period, and the carnage during and following. Still not quite enough to keep this sinking ship afloat, but something to focus on if you happen to be unfortunate enough to watch it.

The Bottom Line
The only way I can describe this film:

I feel like a heavy dinner on prom night. Everything starts off good, then the room starts spinning, and all I want to do is throw up and go to bed.

Why Mel, Why?

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