The Messenger

The Legend:
4.0 Word of mouth is what got me to see this film.
5.5 Some great casting, some bad.
Production Design:
9.0 Everything looks right. Great battle scenes.
4.0 Forgetable.
Overall Rating:
6.5 Okay, but just barely

Okay, lets say it. Interesting story. Great premise for a film, but Luc Besson couldn't direct his way out of a paper bag.

While Joan of Arc is portrayed very convincingly, there is so much weird-ass casting, that it distracts from the whole film. All the english characters have english accents, but some of the french characters do, and some don't. It really robbed authenticity from the film. Faye Dunnaway and John Malkovich are talented actors, but this film just wastes their talents.

And Luc, if Jessica Lange can learn to speak like a Scott in Rob Roy, do you really think your film would have suffered if you had tried to make your cast do more than read the script. Two words for ya, "Dialogue Coach"

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