The Hanging Garden

The Legend:
0.0 Never even remotely heard of it.
8.5 For a bunch of people you've never seen or heard of they do incredibly well.
Production Design:
8.0 Charming and original. The visuals are as much a part of the story as the cast and the script
5.0 The only let down of the film.
Overall Rating:
8.2 I genuinely enjoyed this little movie

Touching, disturbing, sentimental and brutally honest. If your teenage years weren't that of a Brady (and who's were?), you will relate to this film.

After 10 years without a word, William returns home for his sister's wedding, and he brings plenty of baggage with him. And that's all your gonna get out of me, and that doesn't even begin to sum this film up.

From the opening scenes you will quickly realize this is not your average movie. The dialogue is sharp and intelligent, the situations real and familiar. And let me also tell you this, pay close attention to the dialogue, or you will miss alot of the nuances in this movie.

The story unfolds in a clever and symbolic way without being cliche, or overdone. Some really brilliant stuff here. It will keep you involved throughout the film, and waiting to find out what happened/happens next...

The Bottom Line
Not a film for the homophobe. There are some very in-your-face scenes of a young mans realization of his sexual preference, and the abuse that drove him away from his family. If you can handle that, this is a truly well done film.

Directed and written by Thom Fitzgerald, I can't wait to see what this guy does when he gets a budget...

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