The Green Mile

The Legend:
9.0 Solid marketing.
9.9 Phenominal performances all around. In case you haven't figured it out the Percy was the stretchy freak from the X-Files.
Production Design:
9.5 Well done without being over the top.
8.0 Solid.
Overall Rating:
9.5 One of the best movies I've seen in a long time

It used to be when you saw a Stephen King film, you expected to be frightened, or at least grossed out. I don't know if he's feeling guilty for desensitizing an entire generation to gratuitous violence, or if he's just grown weary of his own formula. Or maybe he's realized with age that there are things scarier than monsters that go bump in the night.

I waited to see this one on video, because I thought, this was going to be the Shawshank redemption part 2. Boy was I wrong.

This is a solid piece of work from beginning to end, and never has 3 hours passed so quickly...

Steller performances all around, and I can say that this film revolted, shocked and touched me, without being melodramatic or preachy.

The only reason it didn't score a perfect 10 was due to the fact that I did figure out two of the films big surprises before they happened. But it certainly doesn't take anything away from the film.

Don't miss this movie.

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