
The Legend:
5.0 I kinda remember having seen a commercial about this...
- I'm not even gonna rate this. It was based on a Saturday Night Live character. So there was really no casting to be done...
Production Design:
7.0 It worked...
8 Some really funny video montage, scored very well. Okay, let's just say if you can remember when MTV played videos, you'll find this funny.
Overall Rating:
7.2 Worth the price of a video rental

Brass Tacks:
It's not particularly witty or well done comedy, but it is very distinctly that, a comedy. There are some laugh-your-ass-off funny parts.

The humor isn't subtle, it's more "freak show" humor, but there are some really memorable jokes. I say "freak show" because the main character is simply put, A huge freak.

Does it accurately portray high school anxioty: No.
Does it accurately portray catholic high school: No.
Does it accurately portray high school talent competitions: No.
Does it accurately portray special ed classes: No. (Oops)
Will you laugh: Yes.

If you want that calibre of movie, rent "The Breakfast Club", or any other John Hughs film.

The Bottom Line
This shouldn't be your first pick, or maybe even your second, but as movie fluff goes, this isn't bad.

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