Snow Falling on Cedars

The Legend:
4.0 Saw a trailer for it at the beginning of another movie. No justice done here...
10.0 Very few movies are ever this well cast. Ethan Hawke is superb, but the real surprise is the supporting cast and a legendary performance from Max Von Sydow.
Production Design:
10.0 This film is a marvel to watch. The cinematography doesn't get any better than this. Each scene was obviously shot and edited with painstaking care to capture just the right mood.
9.8 Powerful and well thought out, with some truely bittersweet ochestral pieces. Phenominal!
Overall Rating:
9.9 Losing only .1 for pacing. It is a long movie, but every scene is absolutely used to the fullest.

Brass Tacks:
This is not a movie that sucks you in immediately, but more like a slow moving storm you get to watch roll in from miles away, and when it hits, it hits with gail force.

The performances are extraordinary, the visuals stunning and scenic, the plot thoughtful and powerful. I can honestly say you're not likely to see a better film than this for a while.

Touching on the subject of predjudice, and anti-Japanese sentiment before, during and after World War II without being preachy or melodramatic is a difficult to tackle, yet this film does it skillfully. The crime drama is engaging without being formulaic. And lastly the tale of a budding romance between an Anglo boy and a Japanese girl that ends bitterly is expressed honestly, with a visual style that doesn't remind you of a soap opera.

This is one of those movies that feels more like a visual book than anything else. Multiple plots intertwining on three separate time lines, seemlessly slip together into a remarkable ending.

Not for those with Attention Deficit Disorder. You have to pay attention to truly appreciate the nuance and subtlety of the visuals and the performances.

The Bottom Line
An absolute winner all around. Pick it up, and don't let the title fool you. There's good stuff here. Real good stuff.

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