Sleepy Hollow

The Legend:
7.0 An impressive ad campaign. I don't know of anybody who's never heard of it. Unfortunately, "Heads Will Roll" has my vote for the most obvious and worst tagline a movie has had to suffer recently.
9.3 You know all the faces, and they're nearly perfect for the roles.
Production Design:
10.0 Obviously this is a Tim Burton film, (He's probably the only director who you can tell directed a movie by just it's look!) and this is the kind of story he is great at directing!
7.5 Standard Danny Elfman fare. Which isn't to say it's's just Danny Elfman.
Overall Rating:
8.5 Rent this sucker.

Everybody likes Tim Burton, and with good reason. Very few directors have such a stylized and rich portfolio. This man's work just keeps getting better too.

He did credit to the original story, without making it unfamiliar, and his casting was absolutely dead-on. And Christopher Walken is absolutely terrifying as the "living" headless horseman. For a part with no lines, he made the most of it.

Unfortunately, this film would have benefited by shaving off about 15 to 20 minutes at the ending. The mystique of the film gets killed, and you wind up feeling like you've been drug behind a runaway wagon. The last plot twist was totally unnecessary.

The Bottom Line
All in all, I did enjoy this movie, but it's apparent that Tim Burton fell in love with the subject matter, and didn't call it quits when he should have. Still a solid rent.

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