Reindeer Games

The Legend:
7.0 Kinda had that whole, hey it's Christmas, and wouldn't you like to rob someplace push happening. Not that it wasn't effective, because there really wasn't much else to sell here.
6.5 Despite the talent level of the cast there really is nothing outstanding here. It's not that the performances are bad, as much as the characters are just dumb.
Production Design:
5.0 Move along, nothing to see here. Move along....
4 Standard action movie "Dun-Duh's" that "heighten" the "intensity" of the scene.
Overall Rating:
5.25 What can I tell you, this is just unextraordinary.

Embracing every stereotype that Hollywood could muster, these talented folks set out to make a movie. And while I've always appreciated most of there work, this film just never ceased to disappoint me.

What can I say about this film...

Well, I guess I could say that Ben Affleck should stick to his twenty-something, self-exploration roles, because he really didn't convince me that he was a car-theif, or an ex-con. I can tell you that it was kind of diffent seeing a pissed-off, psychopathic Lieutenant Dan (I guess Gary Sinise is still coping with not get Gary Oldman's role in The Professional). I can tell you that Charlize Theron has nice boobies. And that's about all I can tell you about Reindeer Games.

I can only blame John Frankenheimer, the man responsible for directing this mess, because even with Ben Affleck's very natural and down to earth acting style, Frankenheimer still managed to get Affleck to overact, and borrow from every successful performance he's ever done in the process. What we're left with is a group of characatures instead of characters.

Not to spoil the "suspense", but let me ask you this. If you had an opportunity to escape from a group of homicidal maniacs who were going to force you to commit a crime, would you take it or go back to your hotel room and pretend everything was fine. And let me also ask you this: If you were a homicidal maniac planning on knocking over a casino, how much crap would you put up with before you just capped the jerk that was screwing with you. I'm not condoning violence here, but someone should put this tired film out of it's misery.

The final bullet in this run down horse is the over use of plot twists that add nothing to the movie, and an ending that will leave you in a quasi-vegatative state.(Well, my wife passed out from sheer bordom, but my dedication to you my loyal readers, had me plucking nipple hairs out to stay awake)

The Bottom Line
Catch it on cable if you have to, but don't say I didn't warn you. If you want a real suspense flick rent The Suicide Kings or Thursday.

Someone should tell Rudolph he really shouldn't feel so bad about being left out.

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