Office Space

The Legend:
8.0 The Marketing of this film was pretty decent, and I got exactly what I expected.
7.0 Okay, I'm totally over Jennifer Anniston, but the roles of the office employees, and especially the consultants were perfect.
Production Design:
9.0 The irony here is that it took millions to create sets that look just like your single buddies apartment, and the cube farm where he works
7.0 Some really respectable music, used well, but nothing ground-breaking here.
Overall Rating:
7.8 Funny, frank and just a little too real.

This is absolutely a film that everyone can relate to. It's nothing new, and it's not a laugh-riot, but it is a funny movie with some really witty jokes.

Keep an eye out for the "Dream Sequence", without a doubt the funniest joke in the film.

Well done, but formulaic, I would still recommend this movie to anybody, especially the guy who sits in the cubicle next to mine.

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