Girl, Interrupted

The Legend:
7.0 I knew who was in it, and had an idea what to expect.
7.8 Angela Jolie and the supporting cast does a great job as a group of young women with a grocery list of psychosis. The only disappointment here is Winona Ryder. She's more than a little stiff, (even after she's begun her recovery)
Production Design:
7.0 Okay, I can't say it was truly timely, but it all seemed appropriate. I will say that the cut scenes and use of flashbacks are really well done.
7.5 Some well used 60's era music, but it isn't anything you've ever heard before or spectacularly well used.
Overall Rating:
7.1 Worth the price of a video rental

Brass Tacks:
Chick Flick Alert!

Okay, I knew that going in. I won't even lie about it.

The movie starts off as a relatively interesting movie, with some really bright spots in the story line. Angela Jolie does everything she can with her role here, and give a really impressive performance. And as you learn about all of the characters in the story, and there individual psychosis you really do get drawn in.

Unfortunately, in true Hollywood fasion, they take a well done character study, and but a "Happy shiny people ending on it."

My real problem with this film isn't that, it's the fact that you invest an hour and a half getting to know Winona Ryder's character in the film, finding out what makes her tick, and where her problems lie. And after investing all that time, and finding out all the things that have taken her to the edge of her sanity, do you get to experience the pains of her recovery, or share in her self-exploration? No...

What they serve up instead is a healthy dose of "Here's the Good Guy Nut, who wants to get better" and "Here's the Bad Guy Nut, who wants to stay sick and be an object of fear and loathing"... Who will win?

The Bottom Line
Could have been an exceptional movie, and instead, it insisted on being fluff. And not even good fluff. Rent it, watch it, and be prepared for a BIG LETDOWN.

Should have called it "Plot Interrupted".

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just want to tell me how wrong I am...
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