Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

The Legend:
6.0 A modestly marketed independant film. Could of and should have been so much more.
9.5 Truly memorable performances all around. Forest Whittaker is superb.
Production Design:
9.0 Careful not to over do it, yet everything is just so right for the mood of the film.
6.5 Sorry, but the only area this film was mediocre in was the music. I just don't think an all rap score did as much for the film as it could have.
Overall Rating:
9.2 If you want to see something truly different, this is your film.

Calling this a movie doesn't begin to do it justice. There is so much more going on here. It just so happens that film was the medium used.

The theme of the movie isn't just laid out in the plot and the dialogue. It carried through to the visuals, and symbolism. This might sound stupid, but this film is Samurai.

From it's patient and thoughtful pacing, to it's cunning use of character and symbolism. I've never seen anything quite like this, and I would have never expected anything like this in an American film. There is a linear plot, and character development, but the film is heavy with symbolism that doesn't beat you over the head. It's almost gentle, so pay attention. The incredible effective use of silence during the action sequences. Just the sound of gun fire and shells hitting the floor. No glorious theme music, and no over amplified BANG BANG...

If you think a film about an inner city man, who is an assassin, who lives by the code of the Samuria can't be done as an art film, and leave you thinking, you're dead wrong.

It took me two days of really thinking about this film before I was ready to write this review. So, if you're one of those folks who likes to shut it off after the movie's over and forget about it, this isn't gonna be your cup of tea.

The Bottom Line
If you want high speed, high octane action flick, put this one down, and go get the copy of Road House.
If you want to see something really different, run, don't walk, to the video store and get this sucker.

This one will definitely be joining my video collection.

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