Get Carter

The Legend:
3.0 Light commercial attention, that disappeared as quickly as this movie did from the theaters.
8 I got to give it to Sly here. He proves he still can act without the aide of boxing gloves.
Production Design:
8.75 It's got a funky sorta look and feel to it, that I like.
8.0 Interesting. And it works.
Overall Rating:
7.75 A solid movie. Far more plot than the average Stallone flick.

Okay, you remember when you were a kid, and Sylvester Stallone was an actor, instead of a characature? Well everything old is new again (And apparently Sly figured out that most 50+ year old men don't go around kicking the shit out of people!)

Hey, who slipped talent into a Sylvester Stallone movie? I rented this expecting fodder, and what I got was a film.

Starting off with a steady, patient pace, this movie is character driven, not action. We meet up with Jack Carter, who is a "financial adjustor" for a big time Vegas loan shark. He's not cuddly or likable, and the film sticks to it's guns and doesn't let him become too affable throughout the film. He's a cold distant man, who does what he does without any mercy or compassion. When his brother winds up dead in some fishy circumstances he heads home to pay his respects, and nobody issues him a warm welcome.

For a good portion of the movie Sly plays detective, and doesn't go over the top in his "I'm the films badass" role. Which is good, because it adds an air of believability to the role. The more he digs around the less he finds out, until somebody slips, and then Carters on them like white on rice.

There's tons of adult content in the film, which isn't to say nudity or sex, but it's not the kind of stuff you talk about with company over diner either, so put the kids to bed before warming up the DVD player.

Now let's clarify here. I'm not saying Stallone's gonna get an Oscar for his performance, but it's a damn site better than most of the empty crap that's had his name attached to it.

The Bottom Line
I didn't expect it, but this movie actually entertained, and engaged me. I was just as surprised as anyone! A solid rent.

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