Galaxy Quest

The Legend:
6.0 It was enough to get me interested, but not enough to see it in the theater.
8.5 Well cast and delivered.
Production Design:
9.0 The aliens are great, the space ship familiar, and yet it manages to have it's own look and feel.
6.0 Obviously ripped off, but then so was the whole movie.
Overall Rating:
8.2 I laughed my ass off!

This one's a slow starter, but once it gets going watch out.

This doesn't spoil the movie, but I will say this, you can tell the Star Trek fans when your watching this one. They'll be the one's who bust up laughing, and you can't figure out why. (I was one of those who was busting up laughing)

Tim Allen does a great over-the-top, William Shatner impersonation, and there is some truly witty dialogue in this film.

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