Eye of the Beholder

The Legend:
5.0 The promise of Seeing Ashley Judd naked sold this one to me.
6.0 I know Ashley Judd and Ewan McGregor can act, they just choose not to.
Production Design:
5.0 Unextraordinary
2.0 Only one piece of stand out music, and the only thing that stands out about it is how bad it is.
Overall Rating:
3 The only redeeming virtue to this film is seeing Ashley Judd in high-heels and thigh highs

As enamored as I am with Ashley Judd, and the fact that we do get to see her in various states of dress and undress still doesn't make this movie watchable.

Obi-Wan, use the Force, read the script, and just say no.

The kind of movie that you invest two hours in, and at the end you can only say, "What the fuck was that about???"

Obi Wan's a detective, who watches people, and Ashley Judd is who he's watching, and he becomes obsessed with her, even destroying evidence of crimes she has commited. Okay, fair enough. For the opportunity to sleep with Ashley Judd, I'd hide a few bodies... But the movie just bangs the same drum for two fucking hours, and finally, just when there's supposed to be a big pay-off, there isn't. 'nuff said.

This movie just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and the ending is so absolutely horrid that I'm not going to tell you how it ends, just so you can see how bad it is.

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just want to tell me how wrong I am...
Drop Me a Line HERE.