Beyond the Mat

The Legend:
7.0 "The Film Vince McMahon Doesn't Want You To See!" It proudly touted. It didn't oversell the film, but it was a little much.
Nil - It's a documentary.
Production Design:
Nil - It's a documentary, but I will say, production values are High
7.5 A little sappy in some spots, but otherwise alright.
Overall Rating:
7.2 for Wrestling Fans/ 8.5 for non fans

Okay, first off you'll probably want me to explain that overall rating.

The fact of the matter is, if you're a fan of the sport, alot of this material will be rehash. Especially if you saw the A&E Documentary "Brett Hart: Wrestling with Shadows" or "The Unreal Story of Professional Wrestling". If you aren't a fan or haven't seen the documentaries, then there is plenty of stuff you will be stunned by.

This is most definately a "Warts and All" film, showing the glamorous side of the big names, the seedy side of the up and comers, and what every athlete has to give up to be in this business.

By far the most shocking footage is when you get to see the family of Mick Foley watch a match that he is in, after which you get to see him watch the footage. Food for thought to say the least, but some really powerful stuff here.

The Bottom Line
For every person who ever said "Wrestling's so fake!", I dare you to watch this one...

It's two hours that I couldn't get enough of, and felt wore out when the movie ended.

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just want to tell me how wrong I am...
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