Best Laid Plans

The Legend:
5.0 This film had a slick trailer, with some really catchy moments... Unfortunately it only scores a five because I would have seen this in the theater, if I had known it existed.
8.5 There is some memorable casting here. Well delivered, with some real standouts. (Mostly the bit parts)
Production Design:
9.0 Nowhere USA captured at its finest.
7.0 Nothing really memorable, but well used mood setting music. You won't buy the soundtrack, but you'll know someone spent some time on this
Overall Rating:
8.75 A really solid film, with twists and turns.

Okay, first off: if this movie was ever released to the theatre I never knew about it. And the fact that I didn't irritates the piss out of me. I would have paid the $7.50 to see it, and left smiling.

Suspense films are hard to do well, and this one does it very, very well.

From the opening teaser scene of this movie, you're involved. And while your thrown in the middle of a bad situation, trying to gain your senses. They flash back four months, and fill in the details down to the micron.

I'm not going to tell you much about this movie, because I want it to be as big a surprise for you as it was for me.

Hugely entertaining, with just a few slow portions (thus the 8.75).

The Bottom Line
See this.

The story is tight and believable. The performances dead on. The dialogue, real and witty. And the ending is the Nuetron Bomb of suspense movie endings. My couch still has an impression of me in it, I was blown so far into my seat.

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