A Walk on the Moon

The Legend:
2.0 Saw it on the shelf at the video store and rented it.
7.0 Respectable, but melodramatic in parts
Production Design:
5.0 If your going to make a film set in 1969, you shouldn't have fashions and technologies that weren't around until the 70's
2.0 Though a trip to Woodstock was an integral part of the movie, the music wasn't used nearly enough or very effectively.
Overall Rating:
4.0 The ending killed this movie big time.

Let's be frank. This is obviously a chick flick. No doubt about it. There are some really great scenes in this movie, and while they reach out and grab you, they are normally followed by a scene so poorly directed and performed they loose there impact right away.

What starts out as a moral lesson on the impact of a one woman's sexual exploration, and the effect it has on her marriage and children, quickly deteriorates into a sappy melodrama, with a wholly cheesy ending. This could have really been a decent film, and told the story of the price a woman might have to pay if she throws caution to the wind and does the sort of shit she reads about in drivel-filled romance novels, but they build toward that, and then throw it all away in a totally unrealistic and typical hollywood ending.

Oh, and what the hell was that title about anyway???

I can only say, pass this one right on by.

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just want to tell me how wrong I am...
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