Any Given Sunday

The Legend:
8.5 Slick marketing campaign, that really sold this movie well.
9.0 Al Pacino is always great, but Jamie Foxx is very convincing as a youg Quarter Back who's rode the bench for 3 years, and finally gets his shot.
Production Design:
6.0 I'm sorry, but some of those team costumes are just plain goofy...
8 Stylized MTVesque soundtrack, used well.
Overall Rating:
7.0 Not a complete waste of time.

This is an Oliver Stone movie. One 5 minute snipit and you can tell that right off. Think of it kind of like NFL Films meets Natural Born Killers. Strange you say... Brother you don't know the half of it. Truth be told, I'm not an Oliver Stone fan, and find he's a better producer than director. His directing style is just a little too preachy for my tastes.

Dennis Quaid follows up his role in "Everybodies All American" with the role of a quarterback whose time in the lime-light is almost over. And he plays it for all it's worth, but the real surprise is his wife, played by Lauren Holly, who has become addicted to sharing the lime-light with her football-hero husband, and isn't willing to bow out, even if it costs her him.

On a "Guy" note, Elizabeth Berkley really stretches herself as an actress by playing a brunette call-girl instead of a blonde. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers in it, but, do you think she's regretting playing in Showgirls right about now?

Jamie Foxx and Al Pacino are who really sell this movie. And they do it well. No new ground for Pacino here, but Jamie Foxx will surprise you.

There are plenty of bit parts, and in almost every scene for the first 30 minutes you'll be saying, "Damn, who isn't in this movie?", and unfortunately it distracts from the movie... I'm not going to waste the space, for a complete listing, but you'll get the idea.

The Bottom Line
Congratulations to Oliver Stone for finally realizing that time didn't stop after 1975...
I think a more capable director could have taken this film and cast much further, and the script could have used more polish, but It wasn't a bad movie.

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