American Psycho

The Legend:
5.0 I remember a lot of hype about this film in the press before the release, but I never once say a trailer for it, until it was being released on video.
10.0 This is a one man show, and Christian Bale's performance is as cold as absolute zero.
Production Design:
9.5 Visually stunning. Bleak and minimalist. Almost Kubrickian.
7.0 The soundtrack is loaded with empty pop ditties from the late 80's, and some really chilling and effective classical pieces. Would I rush out and buy the soundtrack? No. But it works beautifully within the confines of the movie.
Overall Rating:
3.0/9.5 This is either the a really bad film, or a really brilliant one. It all comes down to "Did you get it?"

I don't know if I liked this film or not. And I probably won't figure it out for a couple of days. Rating a 9.0 on the Weird-Shit-O-Meter. (Being beat out only by Pink Flamingos)

This is an exploration film, and it is definitely Kubrick influenced. From the stark set designs, to the "colorful" empty people who populate the film. We are introduced to Peter, and he lets us in on the fact that he is a cold emotionless monster with a bloodlust.

Every frame of this film is thoughtful and meticulous. The attention to detail is obvious. The film itself, is as cold and emotionless as Peter himself. His only two motivating emotions are disgust and greed.

As the film progresses, Peter's character attempts to grow and evoke some sort of emotional response out of himself, we see his violent acts become crueler and more random.

Peter's obsession with himself is materialized by Christian Bale who plays the role to perfection, right down to the libido-serving, self-absorbed sex scenes.

And that's it. That's all your going to get from me. I refuse to give anything else about this movie away. Check it out for yourself. But remember, this is obviously an art film. The concept here was to capture the emotionless brutality of a psychopath, and portray that not only in the film but on the film. Rent at your own risk.

The Bottom Line
This is only a must see if you can handle the subject matter. The violence and sex is in-your=face, and none of it is played down. You are right there with Peter for the whole E ticket experience.

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