The Bad Asses
The Biggest and Baddest of the Bunch
Name: Snake Plisskin
Actor: Kurt Russell
Film: Escape From New York
Where's My Parrot? Factor: 10
Sharp as a Blade My Ass Factor: 7
Cool Name Factor: 8
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #10

The President's plane crashed into an island that's been converted to a prison, and you need someone to get him out. Look no further. Snake is your man. For that feat alone, he earned his spot on the list. I mean, hell, I wouldn't go to a county jail to visit my mother, (Hi Mom, say hello to the Warden for me!) and this man goes into an island prison...

But does Snake stop there. Hell no. He shoots a couple of crazies, snuggles up close to Adrienne Barbeau, and has a fight with a trash can lid shield and a bat with some nails through it, and foils the Duke of New York. Now that's bad! And then manages to cross a mine laden bridge, with the President, and save the day. All in 22 hours no less.


Name: Boba Fett
Actor: Jeremy Bulloch
Film: The Empire Strikes Back
Cool Name Factor: 10
James Bond Wishes Factor: 10
Do the Unmanly Thing Factor: 6
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #9

When it comes down to who has the coolest shit, nobody compares to Boba Fett. Between the rope shooting wristbands, the rocket pack, and the cool as hell gun, this man knows how to pack a weapon. Not to mention the cool ass ship...

Five lines in two damn movies, and this boys a legend. Now that's bad. And let's not forget he's the only man to get lippy with Darth. "He's no good to me dead." That's a man that means business. Quite literally the only man to mouth off to Vader, and not get force-choked.

Might I add that he's also the only man on our list to have his own Underroos. "The Underwear That's Fun to Wear!" Now that's Bad (Not that I'm wearing 'em right now or anything!)

Why only number nine you ask? Answer: The girly scream in Jedi. Sorry, but he should have taken it like a man. Sarlaac or not...

Name: Blade
Actor: Wesley Snipes
Film: Blade
Cool Name Factor: 9.5
Jonesing for Garlique Factor: 10
Cool Car Factor: 8
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #8
You grow up with a name like "Blade", and you better be some kinda bad ass, or you better go by your middle name of Lawrence.

Talk about a man who's had bad karma since the moment of birth...

His mom's bit by a vampire, and he takes on some vampire characteristics. He's an intravenous drug user, but he ain't using smack. His boy's got him jacked up on garlic! You gotta wonder what that's like?! You think he snorts Mrs. Dash when no one's around?

For sheer ass whoopin volume, Blade comes in the top ranks, clearing out an entire night club before the opening credits even finish. And our boy don't let up, he whoops ass through the whole film.

Sure he drive a cool car. A 1971 Hemi Cuda, but in the end, the car doesn't make the man. I mean Nash Bridges drives one, and he's still a flamer...

Name: Sergeant Tom Highway
Actor: Clint Eastwood
Film: Heartbreak Ridge
Ever Heard an AK? Factor: 10
This is a Scowl... Factor: 9
Don't Mess With Me Boy Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #7
Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway. Now that's a name. And played by the Pale Rider himself.

Sure I could of chosen Clint for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly or Hang 'Em High, but the fact of the matter is, he was like 60 when he made this film. And he still looks like he can put a serious case of Assicus Whoopinitus on you. Must come from a steady diet of piss and vinegar.

(Try humming America the Beautiful while you read the rest of this.) He's the U.S. Marine that turns weenies into winners! He even makes Mario Van Peebles into a man. Now that's Bad. Sure he outruns them, and beats them, and out drinks them, and shoots an AK at them. But in the end, they go to Grenada and blow the shit out of everything. Like Men!

And talk about witty... Who else could have coined "Fagghetti" and "Cluster Fuck" in the same movie?

A full fledged member of the AARP when this movie was done, Gunney proves that you can whoop ass well into retirement. An important message for our older citizens. If he'd been 70 when he made this movie, he could have been No. 1 on this list.

You pull this grandpa's finger, and you better hope all he does is fart. Might I add that he's the only character on our list that has his own Depends. "The Underwear That's Gross to Wear" (And I ain't wearing those right now either!)

Name: Private J. Vasquez
Actor: Jenette Goldstein
Film: Aliens
More Effective Than The Orkin Man Factor: 10
I Keep a Spare Clip for Just These Occasions Factor: 10
Guns Don't Kill People... Factor: 8
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #6
An NRA activist that proves, the only thing better than a naked woman, is a naked woman with a really big-ass gun!

Okay, she's travelled 45 light years, wakes up with serious stinky breath and pit funkies, and does she do that girly run to the shower. No. She does some pull-ups, and slaps around a fellow grunt.

But it's not until they get ambushed, and we see Vasquez open up with the "Smart-Gun" and the hell with the fact that there's a nuclear reactor right over her. (Why do they call it a smart gun? Because if your going into an alien infested colony, and you don't have one, you ain't too smart.)

When push comes to shove, she finally gets back at the new Lieutenant, by blowing him up Jihad style. "That's not the way it happened..." you say. "The hell it isn't", I say.

Name: Nicholas "Nicky" Santoro Sr.
Actor: Joe Pesci
Film: Casino
Always in a Bad Mood Factor: 10
Unusual Object Factor: 9
Using the F-Word Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #5
Noboby, and I mean nobody, on this list comes close to the creative ways of whoopin' ass that our boy Nick does. I mean, okay, it was a toss up as to whether Tommy in Goodfellas or Nicky in Casino. Nicky won our for one simple reason. He took someone out with a ball point pen. And that's just the beginning.

Aside from the most overt use of "Fuck", this ain't the warm fuzzy Joe Pesci from "With Honors". This is the Joe Pesci that buys the house next door and you move.

Aside from creative use of a ballpoint pen, beating people senseless, shooting, robbing casino hotels, sleeping with Robert DeNiro's wife, he tops ot all off with popping a guys eye out using a vice. Now that's gotta hurt. And in the end, our bad guy gets vanquished in a corn feild with an aluminum baseball bat. So he may not be invincible, but an aluminum bat upside the head would certainly ruin my afternoon.

Name: Jules Winnfield
Actor: Samual Jackson
Film: Pulp Fiction
Cool Wallet Factor: 10
Jeopardy Factor: 9
Bust a Cap in Yo' Ass Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #4
Okay, we really only got to see him shoot two people in the movie, but I think the real reason Jules made the list was because he reminded me of my father: "Say 'What' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker..." I'm already having flashbacks to when I got cold-busted flinging melted marshmellows at the neighbor's house. "What do you think your doing?" "What?" (In retrospect, I think it was my parents' fault. I mean, you don't hand a seven year old a long flexible metal stick and not expect him to start sword fighting and flinging shit!)

Oh, yeah, Jules...

The man who made afros cool again, and lets not forget the wallet. But what really put him on the list was flat out style. I mean religious zealots are scary, but religious zealots packing guns, that's down right evil.

Name: Clubber Lang
Actor: Mr. T
Film: Rocky III
Eye of the Tiger Factor: 8
We Don't Need No Stinking Gold Factor: 10
Knock You on Your Ass Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #3

A man so bad, he had to be portrayed by Mr. T. (What? You really thought Mr. T wouldn't wind up on this list one way or another?!) And were talking T pre-G. (That's pre-Gold, for those of you not in the know!)

How bad was he? He kicked Rocky's ass! Now, that's bad.

"But, Apollo Creed beat Rocky in the first film" you say. Yeah, but Clubber Lang kicked his ass in 3 Rounds, not 15. Three.

And let's not forget the way he got the fight. Oh he didn't go after Rocky, he goes after Adriane with a pick-up line that was so smooth, Ron Jeremy would have been proud. "Hey Woman, Hey Woman! You need a real man? Bring your pretty little self over to my apartment and I'll show you a real man." That hurts!

A few minutes before the fight, he gives Mickey a shove that's so bad, Mickey has a heart-attack and dies, then starts shit with Apollo Creed.

And the whole time he's knocking the Italian Stallion around like a little bitch, he's saying "Come on Balboa, bring it to me!" It took Rocky getting some underwear with Stars and Stripes on them before he could win his title back.

Bottom line. You run into Clubber, you better stop by the store and pick up some "Eye of the Tiger"

Name: Conan
Actor: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Film: Conan the Barbarian

Hey, You Gonna Eat That? Factor: 10
Witty Saying Factor: 8
Hit It with a Stick if It Moves Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #2
Conan, what is best in life?

"To crush an enemy, to see him driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!"

Late Night with the Max Weinberg 7... Nope, I ain't talking about that Conan. I'm talking about the man hissef. Arnold. Playing the bad ass who live by the code: "If you can't eat it, beat it or screw it, kill it!"

Sure we start off seeing Conan's humble beginnings and watch his parents bite it hard, but then he gets sold into slavery and everythings okay. Next thing you know he's bulking-up pushing "the Wheel of Pain".

After he gets loose, he becomes the man who eats. Apparently they didn't feed him too well when he was working the Wheel of Pain, and gladiator circuits, because Conan never turns down a free meal. As it was so accurately put to me: "Man, Conan's a eating motherfucker!"

We get to see Conan project his eating disorder early in the film, when he meets his friend Subiti the Arkannian. "I haven't eaten for days." Conan's quick response: "And who says you will?" You think he heard that once or twice in his life?

When he's not eating, Conan's either stealing or killing. And apparently that's okay back then, because when he does it, King Osrick sends for him, and asks him to steal and kill for him.

So he becomes an entrepenuer. Onward with our story, he proceeds to beat, screw and kill everything in site including a camel, a snake and a girl. (You decide which one he beats, screws and kills.) When his girlfriend dies, he does the manly thing, and sets her on fire. Then he kills some people, steals a princess and kills some more people, ending it all off by killing James Earl Jones and making a lot of people put there candles out, finishing it all off by burning James Earl Jones house down. You think he ate him after the movie was over?

Name: Lee (Oh yeah, that's original!)
Actor: Bruce Lee
Film: Enter the Dragon
Bust a Foot Off in Your Ass Factor: 10
Cool Noise While Kicking Ass Factor: 10
Micheal Flaherty's Jealousy Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #1
Let me set the scene for you. It's 1973, and Kato (Green Hornets sidekick) finally brings his shit back to these shores. And faster than you can say "WASAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" He's kicking ass like no one's business.

He starts off kicking the asses of his students, and then takes his show on the road. He kicks some ass in a tournament, and then sneaks out and kicks some guards asses. Then he sneaks into the compound steals some secrets and then kicks so much ass his foot gets tired. Then he gets caught and kicks some more ass. Then kicks some ass until... Well you get the idea. Ending it all off by kicking some mirror's asses, and then Dr. Han's one-handed ass.

Lee is so bad, he not only kicks the crap out of people, but a couple of times he kicks the crap out of them without doing anything.

The ass kicking leader in sheer volume, (the man had to kick like 7 or 800 asses in the film) nobody tops his style. Who else could slap you in the head and remind you: "Don't look at the finger or you will miss all the heavenwee gworee!" Now I don't know what that is exactly, but I ain't looking at the finger. (I'll keep an eye out for that foot he busts off in people's ass, but I ain't watching the finger!)

The undisputed Biggest Baddest of all time. And don't tell him otherwise cause he'll go to one of your family reunions and kick your whole extended-families' ass without breaking a sweat!

Almost, but not Quite...
Okay, Hell No- Never, Never, Never
Name: Dalton
Actor: Patrick Swayze
Film: Road House
Bust a Dancing Shoe Off in Your Ass Factor: 10
Cool"er" Job Factor: 10
Had the Time of My Life Factor: 10
Overall Bad-Ass Rank: #-1,000,000
Okay, I'll say it... In the movie Roadhouse, Patrick Swayze kicked some ass. And in Red Dawn, Steel Dawn, and in the Outsiders and in Uncommon Valor and Point Break...

He kicked asses wholesale.

He even ripped a guys throat out with his bare hands, and fired ex-Pro Wrestler Terry Funk. (Hell, I was waiting for a barb-wire match, and someone to crack him with a folding chair.)

But, he has been suspended from consideration for one very simple reason...

Dirty Dancing!

Watch me now, Hey, Work, Work.... (Ah fuck it)

Let's light up the scoreboard:

  • Did you have the time of your life? Did you?!
  • There's no more coat hooks, Can I use your girlfriends nose...
  • You broke the window out of a '55 Chevy so Pinnochio's hair didn't get wet?
  • Your girlfriend's name is Frances?
  • You bump and grind with the hot blond, and then you hook up with Gonzo...
  • Johnny Castle was your characters name?
  • You're Gay, Aren't you?